Tag Archives: permalink

XAMMPLite Virtual Directory And WordPress Permalinks

| Created: February 22nd, 2009
WordPress Development 16 Comments

When I’m working on WordPress related development (ie themes and plugins), I like to run WordPress locally. This is great for trying things out before it goes live and also lets me squeeze in some development time in on the train!

My web server package of choice is XAMMP Lite, the Apache distribution that contains PHP and MySQL. Works great in general, but I had some problems with WordPress permalinks and XAMMP Lite. Here’s the solution.

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WordPress Permalink Customisation – Caution For Beginners

| Created: June 1st, 2007
WordPress Opinion 26 Comments
Editorial Note, 12 August 2011

So, some things have changed since 2007 – I now use the very same permalink structure I warn against below. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. WordPress now deals with permalink structure changes much better these days and will automatically 301 redirect the old URLs for you (in most cases).
  2. Even if WordPress didn’t do it automatically, I’m now comfortable setting up 301 redirect via .htaccess (which is what I do, because I don’t quite trust leaving it to WordPress).
  3. Having the category in the permalink does provide SEO benefits – I don’t care so much about getting the keywords in the URL (you can get that through postname), but I do like the benefits for the site structure (pseudo folders creating a silo structure).

There are still some problems with the /%category%/%postname%/ permalink structure: if you have a lot of pages (more than 50ish), this permalink structure can really slow down your site. Having said that, even this problem is likely to disappear, as it looks like they’ll change the way this works in WordPress 3.3.

This is only my second post since launching www.scratch99.com and I’ve already changed the Permalink structure! In this article, I examine why my original structure:


doesn’t work for me. Continue reading