There are lots of suggestions in the comments that are better than my original solution. Also, with 5 years of hindsight, I’d approach it differently anyway! The way I’d do this now would be as follows:
[sourcecode language=”php”]
<script type="text/javascript">
var lcValues = <?php echo json_encode($myPHPArray); ?>;
So much simpler! PHP4 has almost disappeared so there’s no reason not to use json_encode. I’d recommend that you stop reading now and just go with that.
If you use PHP to create web pages, there may be times when you need to create a JavaScript array dynamically from a PHP array. This is not hard to do, but there is a trap you need to be careful of: dealing with arrays containing only a single element.
This post is for the PHP coders out there. If you don’t write code, it may not be for you.
My Original Solution
When writing the LocalCurrency WordPress plugin, I had a PHP array containing values that needed to be converted. The plugin uses AJAX techniques to do the conversions after the page has loaded, so it doesn’t slow down page load times waiting for Yahoo! Finance. The JavaScript to do this needed to access the information in the PHP array.
I decided the best way to implement this was to create a JavaScript array from the PHP array. I came up with the following code:
[sourcecode language=”php”]
// create script string to append to content. First create the value array in JavaScript.
$script = $script . "\n" . ‘<script type="text/javascript"> ‘. "\nvar lcValues = new Array(";
foreach ($lc_values as $key => $value){
if ($key < (count($lc_values)-1)){
$script = $script . $value . ‘,’;
else {
$script = $script . $value . ");\n";
Note: I’m not echoing the script directly. I’m appending it to a string variable, which itself will be appended to the end of the post content.
This code will create a JavaScript array and populate it with values from a PHP array called $lc_values, which has been created elsewhere. If $lc_values contains the values 25, 34 and 16 (with keys 0, 1 and 2 respectively), then the above code will create the following JavaScript:
[sourcecode language=”js”]var lcValues = new Array(25,34,16);[/sourcecode]
Great! This is just what I want. A JavaScript array containing the 3 values will be created, and I can use it to convert the values via JavaScript.
The Problem – Arrays With A Single Element
The problem occurs when there is only one value to convert. For example, if $lc_values only contains 25, this will create:
[sourcecode language=”js”]var lcValues = new Array(25);[/sourcecode]
JavaScript will see this as an instruction to create an array with 25 elements, rather than an array with one element with a value of 25. Later, when you try to access lcValues[0], it will be undefined and will return NaN (Not a Number) when you try to use it.
You cannot use new Array() to create an array with a single numeric element.
The Solution
I got around this problem by checking the number of elements in the PHP array, using the count function. If there is more than one element, it will create the same JavaScript as the original code did. If there is only a single element (for example, 25), it will create the follow JavaScript:
[sourcecode language=”js”]
var lcValues = new Array(1);
The final code I used looks like this:
[sourcecode language=”php”]
// create script string to append to content. First create the value array in JavaScript.
$script = $script . "\n" . ‘<script type="text/javascript"> ‘. "\nvar lcValues = new Array(";
if (count($lc_values)>1) {
foreach ($lc_values as $key => $value){
if ($key < (count($lc_values)-1)){
$script = $script . $value . ‘,’;
else {
$script = $script . $value . ");\n";
else { // can’t create an array that just has one integer element using Array()
$script = $script . "1);\nlcValues[0]=" . $lc_values[0] . ";\n";
Note: I can safely use else, because of code outside the above snippet, ensuring the PHP array will have at least one element at this point. You may need to be careful about this. If it’s possible that your PHP array may be empty, consider using elseif (count($phparrayname)==1) instead.
Final Thoughts
There are obviously different ways to do this, but this is what works for me. If it helps anyone else, great! If anyone knows a better way to do this, let me know in the comments.
And string escaping is the other nasty part since most arrays I’ve had to use cgi trough JS are actually strings. Quotes are the main problem with escaping and I find it best to replce them with character codes for JS.
I have to throw this in there..
PHP has a function for creating json from php objects, json_encode
I was about to post this and I agree. This page’s script could be turned into a one liner of .
Since JSON is a subset of JavaScript, JavaScript will already know that it is an array.
Issaac, don’t forget that this function appeared in PHP5, moreover PHP must be higher then 5.2.0. Many people use stll PHP 4.x
Thanks to everyone who suggested json_encode, but I’m with Moder on this one. When I wrote this (almost 2 years ago), I was trying to avoid a dependence on PHP5.
Although I use PHP5 for some of my stuff now, I still try to avoid it where possible for anything related to WordPress (which still supports PHP4).
Why I am not a programmer: I would have padded it with the size of the array, so your first one would have been Array(3,25,34,16), and your second one Array(1,25).

I don’t create theory, I get things outta the ditch.
Hi Ben,
Didn’t see your comment there (from over a year ago)!
Interesting approach! It should work – I can’t see any problem with it – but I’d still stick with an if else statement (or maybe Mike’s implode solution) because … well because the JavaScript is, well, cleaner somehow (I’m not articulating this very well).
I’m not against workarounds to get something working, but only as a last resort.
Thanks for this. The neat handling of single-element arrays is great
Previously, I init. js arrays using the syntax:
var lcValues = new Array(25);
but the init format of:
var lcValues = new Array(‘hello’,’goodbye’);
is a lot cleaner.
Maybe I’m missing something cause I read it very fast, but this is how I pass a php array of numbers to a javascript array (very tiny, clean and simple):
[sourcecode language=”php”]
var myJavaScriptArray = [<?php echo implode(",",$myPHPArray); ?>];
With php we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There are a lot of useful built-in functions, like “implode”.
To make this a little bit more useful… If it’s an array of strings, just do this:
[sourcecode language=”php”]
var myJavaScriptArray = ["<?php echo implode(‘","’,$myPHPArray); ?>"];
Note: For this last one, check if the php array is not empty. Otherwise you will get a javascript array with one empty string.
Hope it helps
Hi Mike,
That looks like a neat solution. I’ve used implode a lot in the last year or two, but when I wrote this I wouldn’t have been that familiar with it. I’m still not sure whether I would have thought of this approach, but at least it makes sense to me.
By the way, I fixed up the code in your first comment and removed the second one. I’ll have to add a way for users to do this easily.
The simple solution would be to NOT use new Array (whose functionality can be modified by other javascript code) but to just pass the values into square brackets. Javascript accepts [#,#,#] as an unmodified raw array object, even [#], which would solve the problem above altogether without fancy hacks or additional instructions.
Change line 2 part: “\nvar lcValues = new Array(“; to “\nvar lcValues = [“;
and line 8 part: “);\n”; to “];\n”;
And problem solved.
Or just use the Javascript array.push method within your loop, which is cleaner still and has the added benefit that it’s easier to read.
It’s been quite a lot since I posted the implode solution. Now with json included in php5 and all that, I think the safest and neatest way to go would be something like:
var myJSArray = ;
This saves you a lot of trouble mostly for arrays of strings, you don’t need to worry about things like if they include some unexpected quotes and stuff like that, as json takes care of producing a safe ready to use JavaScript syntax for your php objects.
Sorry, the PHP code got truncated:
var myJSArray = <?php echo json_encode($myPHPArray); ?>;
Dont know if you’re still there, but this Json encode line doesnt work for me. It logs an error saying “unexpected < ", like the syntax is wrong…do you know what the issue might be?
Hi Noel,
It’s really hard to say without seeing the code, but I’d guess that you’ve got the
tag inside another
That code is meant to be used in a PHP file, but outside of the PHP tags, in the JavaScript code itself. If you are echoing out from PHP instead, you'd probably have:
echo "var lcValues = " . json_encode( $myPHPArray ) . ";"